We set up the moth trap last night as the forecast was reasonably warm with light wind. It's always quit exciting when we open it in the morning and see what's inside, but we weren't quite expecting a box full of Cockchafers!
They're big beetles with fanned antennas and we had seven of them in the moth trap last night. We also caught a few moths, including 4 Brimstone moths, 1 Scalloped Hazel, 1 Waved Umber, 1 Shuttle-shaped Dart, 4 Hebrew Characters, 1 shiny green Longhorn moth and a lacewing.
Brimstone moth |
Longhorn moth |
Scalloped Hazel |
Waved Umber |
We carefully let them all go. A couple of the Cockchafers had a bit of a fight, then took off and buzzed around us before disappearing.
Nice catch! The three in BMG's hand are two males and one female. Females lack the feathery antenae of the males.