Wednesday 10 December 2014

November Highlights

I've had a hectic few weeks organizing the school Christmas Fair, but that's finally done (huge sigh of relief) so I can catch up with some of the jobs I've had to neglect. One of those is writing our November highlights, so here they are ...

  • We've had lots of fun hunting for fungi in several different woods and found all sorts of weird and wonderful things. Our top fungal finds have to be:
    • The Magpie Ink Caps and watching them drip away over the course of a day.
    • Finding our very first Earthstar and being able to find it again a few days later so that Bug Mad Girl could also see it.
    • Climbing up to Pulpit Hill Fort and discovering several new types of fungi within the circle of the fort, including Bachelors Buttons, Common Yellow Russelas and Palamino Cup
  • A day in the life of a sparrow - the brilliant poem and picture that BMG wrote and painted for her homework.
  • Finding Large White Caterpillars still eating Nanny Moths cabbages right into the start of December. That's 2 months later than you are supposed to see them.
  • Having a wander around Cobblers' Pits, one of the new sites taken over by the Chiltern Society.
  • Finding a giant squid swimming through the fog in Pulpit Hill Fort.

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